LTHS Home Football Games & Information

Dear Lockport Township High School District 205 Parents and Guardians, 

We would like to thank all of our community for your support and attendance at our past Lockport Township High School home football games. The turnout for our Home football games has been at an all-time high and we are excited to begin our home schedule. As our crowd attendance increases, we want to continue to maintain safety and security as our number one priority. Beginning with our first home football game this upcoming Friday, September 8children who are younger than 9th grade must be accompanied by an adult to enter all home football games. In the case when there are children younger than high school age in Porter Stadium without an adult, a parent will be called and expected to pick them up immediately. In case of an emergency, unaccompanied children would be most vulnerable and we want to ensure their safety.

In order for our team to effectively provide a safe and enjoyable environment, we are asking you to help us share our attendance policies moving forward. Our home football games are a community event involving not only our football team, but our cheerleaders, dance team, marching band, and color guard. 

We do offer Booster passes that will get up to four (4) people in each home game for the total price of $50. For more information, visit the Lockport Athletic Booster Club Pass. This pass is good for All Home Football and Basketball games, exclusive of the IHSA Series.

We appreciate your cooperation in our efforts to keep everyone safe while enjoying the excitement that a home football game brings to our community. Thank you for your continued support and passion for Lockport athletics! 

Go, Porters!


Dr. John Greenan                             Dr. Kerri Green
Principal-East Campus               Principal-Central Campus