Regents Exam Prep Center is a resource that comes to us courtesy of the Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center. The goal of this free online training center is to help high school students to prepare for comprehensive exams in English, math, global history, U.S. history, etc. Check out many sample proofs in the geometry section.

Mathematics Department
The goal of the mathematics department is to provide all students with a guaranteed and viable curriculum rooted in the New Illinois State Standards based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (MP). The CCSSM are driven by two major evidence-based design principles: focus and coherence. These principles are meant to fuel greater achievement in a deep and rigorous curriculum, one in which students acquire conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply mathematics to solve problems and formulate mathematical models. We believe our Integrated Mathematics Curriculum will provide all students the opportunity to become College and Career Ready.
Course Descriptions
Freshman Courses
Sophomore Courses
Sophomore/Junior/Senior Courses
Junior Courses
Senior Courses