Missy Schmook, mschmook@lths.org, (815) 588-8498
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday, 3:15 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 42
Check out the Activities Interest Guide for informational and introductory videos for the many clubs and activities offered at Lockport Township High School. It's a great way for Porters to find their interests, make friends, develop skills, gain experience, and build their future.
Looking to get involved at Lockport Township High School?
There are over 50 unique clubs and activities offered here at LTHS! Check out the chart below for meeting times and sponsor information. It's a great way for Porters to find their interests, make friends, develop skills, gain experience, and build their future.
If you or someone you know is interested in starting a new club, information about new club proposals to be considered for the 2025-2026 school year can be found here.
Lockport Township High School's Student Activities Director is Mr. Brian Lessner. You can reach Mr. Lessner by phone at 815-588-8231, or you may email him at blessner@lths.org.
Missy Schmook, mschmook@lths.org, (815) 588-8498
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday, 3:15 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 42
Megan Connolly, mconnolly@lths.org, (815) 588-8638
Meeting Time/Location:
One Wednesday per month, 2:50 - 4:15 PM
Central Campus, Port (9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11, 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/16, 5/14)
Lauren Thomas, lthomas@lths.org, (815) 588-8578
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday, 2:50 - 3:50 PM
East Campus, Room 20
Mark de la Vega, mdelavega@lths.org, (815) 588-8439
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday
East Campus, Room 105
Brian Covey, bcovey@lths.org, (815) 588-8494
Anna Mudroch, amudroch@lths.org, (815) 588-8495
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mr. Covey or Ms. Mudroch for schedule
East & Central Campus Band Rooms
Heather Bleck, hbleck@lths.org, (815) 588-8647
Kaitlyn Bloom, kbloom@lths.org, (815) 588-8665
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mrs. Bleck or Mrs. Bloom for schedule
Matt Major, mmajor@lths.org, (815) 588-8366
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Thursday, 3:00 - 3:45 PM
East Campus, Room 70
Taisha Goff, tgoff@lths.org, (815) 588-8240
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Wednesday, 3:05 - 4:30 PM
Central Campus Little Theater
Jacob Jerkovich, jjerkovich@lths.org, (815) 588-8479
Meeting Time/Location:
Mondays & Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Port Flex Rooms B & C
Chad Goetz, cgoetz@lths.org, (815) 588-8534
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mr. Goetz for schedule
East Campus, Choir Room
Kevin Conway, kconway@lths.org, (815) 588-8677
Meeting Time/Location:
Central Campus, Port and/or Room 402
Kennedy Birner, kbirner@lths.org, (815) 588-8543
Christina Carlson, ccarlson@lths.org, (815) 588-8706
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mrs. Birner or Ms. Carlson for schedule
East & Central Campus Auditoriums
Allison Welte, awelte@lths.org, (815) 588-8716
Meeting Time/Location:
11/6, 12/4, 1/1, 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, 5/7
East Campus, Room 95B
Daniela Malczewski, dmalczewski@lths.org, (815) 588-8520
Meeting Time/Location:
2:45 PM
East Campus, Room 12 (9/11, 9/23, 10/16, 12/18, 2/5, 3/12), Marcus Theater (11/22), Language Hallway (1/15), Auditorium (4/24), La Creperie Homer Glen (5/7)
Nora Sheehan, nsheehan@lths.org, (815) 588-8727
Tammy Baranowski, tbaranowski@lths.org, (815) 588-8260
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact sponsor for schedule
Central Campus, Little Theater
Estella Rodriguez, erodriguez@lths.org, (815) 588-8470
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Other Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 66
Beth Czako, bczako@lths.org, (815) 588-8262
Bridget Hope, bhope@lths.org, (815) 588-8598
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Thursday, 3:15 - 4:15 PM
East Campus, Room 44
Janet Stock, jstock@lths.org, (815) 588-8536
Meeting Time/Location:
Wednesdays (9/4, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 11/3, 12/4), 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room E007
Monika Sasulski, msasulski@lths.org, (815) 588-8550
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Thursday, 3:00 - 4:15 PM
East Campus, Room 208
Colleen Martin, cmartin@lths.org, (815) 588-8572
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Monday, 2:45 - 3:45 PM
East Campus, Greenhouse
Andrea Quintanar, aquintanar@lths.org, (815) 588-8630
Karla Button, kbutton@lths.org, (815) 588-8529
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Tuesday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 11
Ron Vasile, rvasile@lths.org, (815) 588-8595
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Wednesday, 3:15 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 214
Karla Button, kbutton@lths.org, (815) 588-8529
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Sponsor
Halley Hoffman, hhoffman@lths.org, (815) 588-8508
Chiara Archer, carcher@lths.org, (815) 588-8690
Meeting Time/Location:
9/3, 10/8, 11/12, 1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8, 3:00 - 3:30 PM
East Campus, Room 61B
Monika Sasulski, msasulski@lths.org, (815) 588-8550
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Thursday, 3:00 - 4:15 PM
East Campus, Room 208
Lauren Ludwig, (Freshmen), lludwig@lths.org, (815) 588-8658
Carol Demas, (Sophomores), cdemas@lths.org, (815) 588-8656
Chelsey Wajchert, (Juniors), cwajchert@lths.org, (815) 588-8503
Marissa Chovanec, (Seniors), mchovanec@lths.org, (815) 588-8479
Meeting Time/Location:
Freshmen: Every Tuesday, 3:00 - 3:45 PM, Central Campus, Room 308
Sophomores: Every Tuesday, 3:00 - 3:45 PM, Central Campus, Room 310
Juniors: Every Monday & Tuesday, 3:00 - 3:45 PM, East Campus, Room 57C
Seniors: Two Days per Week, 3:00 - 3:45 PM, East Lounge (Door 23, South of Citgo Lab)
Monika Sasulski, msasulski@lths.org, (815) 588-8550
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 208
Sarah Steinke, ssteinke@lths.org, (815) 588-8475
Meeting Time/Location:
9/10, 11/21, 1/14, 3/18, 5/6
East Campus, Auditorium
Michelle Cannon, mvcannon@lths.org, (815) 588-8418
Julie Rolston, jrolston@lths.org, (815) 588-8548
Meeting Time/Location:
Monday - Thursday, 3:10 - 5:10 PM
East Campus, Dance Studio
Nate Roth, nroth@lths.org, (815) 588-8517
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Monday, 3:00 - 5:15 PM
East Campus, Room 34
Julia Pusinelli, jpusinelli@lths.org, (815) 588-8668
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday, 3:15 - 4:15 PM
East Campus, Room 202
Dan Mostyn, dmostyn@lths.org, (815) 588-8669
Will Salek, wsalek@lths.org, (815) 588-8783
Carley Sullivan, csullivan@lths.org, 815-588-8631
Meeting Time/Location:
Monday - Friday, 2:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Maroon Room at East Campus
Derek Sanderson, dsanderson@lths.org, (815) 588-8459
Meeting Time/Location:
Every other Tuesday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 96B
William Kane, wkane@lths.org, (815) 588-8569
Devin Wilson, dewilson@lths.org
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Rooms 28 & 30
Robert Champlin, rchamplin@lths.org, (815) 588-8566
Jessica Catania, jcatania@lths.org, (815) 588-8568
Meeting Time/Location:
November to March Every Tuesday & Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 29
William Kane, wkane@lths.org, (815) 588-8569
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mr. Kane for schedule
Julie Decaire, jdecaire@lths.org, (815) 588-8473
April Keim, akeim@lths.org, (815) 588-9653
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Ms. Decaire or Ms. Keim for schedule
East Campus, Maroon Room
Cheryl Sorensen, csorensen@lths.org, (815) 588-8525
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Ms. Sorensen for schedule
East Campus, Maroon Room
Matt Mullins, mmullins@lths.org, (815) 588-8434
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Mr. Mullins for schedule
East Campus, Rooms 102-105
Stacey Pucel, spucel@lths.org, (815) 588-8627
Kayla Marbach, kmarbach@lths.org, (815) 588-8704
Meeting Time/Location:
9/17, 10/29, 12/3, 2/4, 4/8, 5/13
Contact Mrs. Pucel or Mrs. Marbach for location
Kathy Pratt, kpratt@lths.org, (815) 588-8535
Meeting Time/Location:
First Wednesday each month, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Room 6
Kelly Urbanski, kurbanski@lths.org, (815) 588-8497
Pat Wolf, pwolf@lths.org, (815) 588-8379
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Ms. Urbanski or Mr. Wolf for schedule and location
Alex Hamilton, ahamilton@lths.org, (815) 588-8709
Haylee Powers, hpowers@lths.org, (815) 588-8140
Isabel Ruiz, iruiz@lths.org
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 3:15 - 5:30 PM
East Campus, Room 207
Cheryl Sorensen, csorensen@lths.org, (815) 588-8525
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Ms. Sorensen for schedule
East Campus
Andrea Cobbett, acobbett@lths.org, (815) 588-8563
Robert Beach, rbeach@lths.org, (815) 588-8362
Meeting Time/Location:
Contact Ms. Cobbett or Mr. Beach for schedule
East Campus
Courtney Oxley-Turner, cturner@lths.org, (815) 588-8453
Ryan Visser, rvisser@lths.org, (815) 588-8241
Meeting Time/Location:
1st & 3rd Wednesday each month, 3:15 - 4:15 PM
East Campus
Rodger Ebert, rebert@lths.org, (815) 588-8441
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:15 PM
East Campus, Room 86
Jeff Krohn, jkrohn@lths.org, (815) 588-8447
Tim O'Malley, tomalley@lths.org, (815) 588-8264
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Monday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, MIS Port Video Studio
Brian Pearson, bpearson@lths.org, (815) 588-8548
Maria Branda, mbranda@lths.org, (815) 588-8710
Meeting Time/Location:
Every Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
East Campus, Rooms 223