Equity Statement
June 5, 2020
Dear Lockport Township High School District 205 Parents and Guardians,
The events of the past two weeks have shaken our nation and called on all of us to reflect on race and racism in the United States. As a school district, Lockport Township High School District 205 opposes racism in any form and particularly within our school community. We are committed to school practices, curricular choices, teaching methods, discipline policies, professional interactions, and celebrations that honor the dignity, humanity, and heritage of all of our students. We also have the grace and humility to recognize our imperfections on this issue and work diligently to be an institution that is affirmatively anti-racist. We understand that any expression of our universal human values must be demonstrated in actions. As such, we are recommitted to steps we can take to make good on our promises of equity for all students. Planning to ensure equity and dignity is as important as preparing to open school in the fall during the era of COVID 19. We have to keep our students safe and help them learn, and neither can happen without positive steps and planning. School is a place uniquely suited to educate students on what racism is and how racism can victimize us all, both those who endure it and those who inflict it.
Lockport Township High School District 205 strives for a culture that believes we are at our best when we are together. Implied in the word "together" is a belief that all are welcomed, all are valued, all have meaning, and all are included. All are safe, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
Robert McBride, Ed.D
Superintendent, Lockport Township High School District 205
1323 East Seventh Street
Lockport, IL 60441
(815) 588-8105
Follow Me on Twitter: @PorterSup205

The Student Equity Action Committee (SEAC) is a newly formed activity group that includes both students and staff who work alongside each other to increase cultural literacy and foster a deeper appreciation for diversity at LTHS.
SEAC facilitates courageous conversations about important issues. It also supports LTHS as departments reflect on their curriculum, instruction, and grading practices for equity and will be collaborating with local middle schools and junior highs as well as welcoming the Lockport Police Department to speak. The SEAC is committed to the LTHS mission and vision of honoring the dignity, humanity, and heritage of all of its students.