Welcome Back Days

Welcome Back Days are on August 8th and 9th at East Campus for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 

1333 E. 7th Street, CWC Entrance, Door 1

LTHS is preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. The Welcome Back process in August begins now through July 10, 2024, with the Annual Update of Student Records process. Families must have an existing Campus Portal account to complete the Annual Update of Student Records process. This Annual Update process is required for a student to attend Lockport Township High School. It must be completed by using a parent or guardian’s Campus Portal account. The Annual Update of Student Records process cannot be completed from the student’s portal account.

Before July 10, parents of all LTHS students will need to provide proof of residency within District 205, indicate your understanding of school policies and release agreements, and sign and submit your verification form.

Information Verification

Completing the proof of residency online via the Annual Update of Student Records process prior to coming to campus for Welcome Back Days will make preparing for the start of the school year a faster and easier process. The Annual Update of Student Records details can be accessed at https://www.lths.org/page/annual-update

Use your Campus Parent Portal username and password to log in to the Online Residency Verification system. Parents must use their Parent Portal and not the Student Portal. Once in the system, you will need to upload proof of residency documentation. Proof of residency includes a valid driver’s license or state I.D. and any two of the following: mortgage documents, current property tax bill, current homeowner’s/renter’s insurance bill, current auto insurance or utility bill (gas, water, electric, garbage, cable, phone - dated within the last 30 days). All supporting documents must have the parent/guardian name with a current address located within Lockport Township High School District 205 boundaries.  

If you do not have a Campus Portal username or password or need other technical assistance, please complete the form at http://www.lths.org/campusportal

After uploading your information, you will receive an email indicating that your information has been uploaded and approved, and you will be able to attend Welcome Back Days on the assigned day and time (see chart below). At Welcome Back Days, your student will receive his/her schedule, locker information, and ID. Information about bus routes, fee waivers and reductions, and fee payment will be available. Counselors will be on hand to answer questions and make necessary and approved schedule changes. Requests to amend student schedules to accommodate teacher, period, or lunch/study hall preferences will not be considered.

Entrance: This year, all Porter families can enter at Door 1 (CWC doors) on August 8 and August 9. On August 12th, families can enter at the Main Entrance of East Campus.

Last Name Starting With




Thursday, August 8

11am - 1pm


1pm - 3pm


3pm - 6pm


Friday, August 9

8am - 10am




1pm - 3pm


Monday, August 12

8am - 11am

We look forward to seeing you on our Welcome Back Days on August 8 and 9. Once you have picked up your child’s schedule, the building will be open for you to walk to locate classrooms and lockers. LTHS student volunteers will be in the hallways to assist with questions and will be available to provide guided tours of the building. Bring all your information and be ready to go!

Senior Immunization Requirements

The Illinois School Code requires that all students have a record of required immunizations on file with the school district. For 12th grade students, this includes documentation of the required meningococcal vaccination. All 12th grade students must have two doses of the meningococcal vaccine. If the vaccine is received after the 16th birthday, only one dose is required. All 12th-grade students must submit proof of receipt of the required immunizations prior to returning to school in August. Students without proof of immunization will not be allowed to pick up a class schedule in August. In addition to your health care provider, many local health departments and pharmacies offer the vaccine. The Illinois Department of Public Health recommends that parents get their adolescent vaccinated now to avoid last-minute rush during the summer. If your student has received his or her meningococcal vaccine, you may upload proof of vaccination through July 15, 2024, using the Campus Portal as part of the Annual Update process. After July 15, 2024, you will need to submit your proof of vaccination to the nurse at the LTHS East Campus.


Campus Portal

School fees for the 2024-2025 school year will be $305 if paid prior to July 10, 2024, and $315 after that date. A $10 discount is given to all families who pay the fee between May 1st and July 10th, making the discounted fee $305. Registration fees are paid within the parent Campus Portal and can be found on the left-hand side under Fees. Students new to Lockport Township High School will also need to purchase a gym suit (shirt and shorts) and a heart rate monitor band. The 2024-2025 yearbook can also be purchased at this time. These items can be added to your cart in Campus Portal by clicking the Optional Payments button at the bottom of the Fees screen.

If you believe that you qualify for a fee waiver, and you do not see that reflected on your student’s account, please visit the Parent page on our website, click on Food Services and Fee Waivers & Free/Reduced Lunch Program for information about fee waivers, application forms, and contacts at each campus.