
Registration looks a little different this year—students must register through their counselor. If parents/guardians have questions, please contact your student’s counselor directly. Please click here if you do not know your student’s counselor information. Fees can be paid online through ePay.

Registration for Session 1 closes on Friday, May 2. Registration for Session 2 closes on Monday, June 2.

Class offerings are based on student interest and staff availability.

Summer School Costs



Remediation Courses


Advancement Courses



Students will complete a Transportation Google Form if transportation is needed for summer school. Students will complete the form with their counselor.
Please note: Transportation routes will be published after the deadlines end.


Online Payment

Please pay for Advancement courses upon registration. There is no fee for Remediation courses.


Summer School

LTHS will offer two sessions of Summer School. Students will be in attendance on campus from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.

Semester 1 courses will be offered during the first session.
Summer School Session 1 runs from June 3, 2025, - June 26, 2025. Classes will meet from 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM, Monday - Thursday, with a couple of exceptions:

  • Week 1 (June 3-6): Classes will meet Tuesday - Friday since Monday, June 2 is reserved as an Emergency Day.

  • Week 2 (June 9-13): To make up for the June 19 holiday, classes this week will meet Monday through Friday.

  • Week 3 (June 16-20): There will be no classes on Thursday, June 19, in observance of a holiday.

Semester 2 courses will be offered during the second session.
Summer School Session 2 runs from June 30, 2025 - July 24, 2025. Classes will meet from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Monday - Thursday, with a few adjustments due to the holiday:

  • Week 1 (June 30-July 2): Classes meet Monday through Wednesday to allow students and staff to enjoy the 4th of July holiday.

  • Week 2 (July 7-11): To make up for the shorter first week, classes will meet Monday through Friday.

Students who have failed a course during the regular school year may enroll to recover that credit free of charge. Students who are taking a course for advancement will be charged a summer school fee of $170 per session.

Students and families should contact their counselor to register for summer school and transportation. Please refer to the Guidance staff directory if you do not have their information. The deadline for registration is the following:

  • Friday, May 2nd for Session 1

  • Monday, June 2nd for Session 2

Please remember that course availability will ultimately be determined based on enrollment and staff availability.

Summer School Session Schedule

Session 1

Session 2

June 3 through June 26

June 30 through July 24

Courses for Credit Recovery*

Courses for Advancement

English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12

US History (Session 1 Only)
US History (Session 2 Only)

Math 1
Math 2
Math 3


*All courses for credit recovery will also be offered at the Instructional level as necessary for students with IEPs.