To Be Eligible for Summer Classroom or Behind-The-Wheel Program

✔️ Must be 16 by December 31, 2025

✔️ Must have passed at least 8 courses over the previous 2 semesters (will be checked by counselor)

✔️ Must attend all 30 class periods in order to meet the State requirement for hours of instruction

✔️ Must perform all 6 hours of Behind the Wheel with an LTHS certified Drivers Ed instructor (9 days)

✔️ Must register for time slot for Classroom/Behind-The-Wheel

✔️ Must take Session C driving if taking Classroom over the summer (will be checked)

✔️ Must have taken classroom with LTHS in order to take BTW with LTHS

Driver Education Costs



Classroom Only


Behind-The-Wheel Only


Classroom & Behind-The-Wheel



Online Registration & Payment

Please DO NOT sign up through 8 to 18 if you have already been assigned a session and time for Summer Behind-The-Wheel.


Driver's Education

2025 Summer Drivers Education

Registration for LTHS Students will be open from 4/22 at 9:00 a.m. to 5/16 at 3:00 p.m. Online registration and payment will be available through 8 to 18.

Students are not automatically scheduled for Behind-The-Wheel. Counselors DO NOT schedule students. Please DO NOT sign up through 8 to 18 if you have already been assigned a session and time for Summer Behind-The-Wheel. 

⚠️ Quick Notes For Selecting Time Slots

If taking regular academic courses in summer school, only sign up for: Behind-The-Wheel - Period 3

Students are NOT ALLOWED to take Driver Ed Classroom and Behind-The-Wheel at the same time. You must pass Classroom before taking Behind-The-Wheel. If taking Classroom sign up for Session C of Behind-The-Wheel slots ONLY.

Driver Training (Behind-the-Wheel)

Driver Training meets a total of nine (9) days for Session A & B, and eight (8) days for Session C for a total of eighteen (18) hours.

Please call 815-588-8303, or 815-588-8419 with any questions

Session A

Session B

Session C

will meet Monday through Friday the first week and Monday through Thursday the second week for a total of 18 hours, 9 days.

will meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday the first week and Monday through Friday the second week for a total of 18 hours, 9 days. No school June 19th.

will meet Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the first week and Monday through Friday the second week for a total of 18 hours, 8 days. No school July 4th.

Classroom Driver Education Instruction

State Mandated 30 hours of classroom instruction (no exceptions to this mandate - attendance is mandatory).

June 2nd - June 30th (One Session Only - no class June 19th)

Period 1
8:00 AM-10:00 AM

Period 2
10:10 AM-12:10 PM

Driver Training (Behind-the-Wheel)

Attendance is mandatory.
Please be advised that all times and sessions are based on instructor availability.

June 2nd- June 12th (Session A)

Period 1
7:30-9:30 AM

Period 2
9:45-11:45 AM

Period 3
12:15-2:15 PM

June 16th - June 27th (Session B) No class June 19th

Period 1
7:30-9:30 AM

Period 2
9:45-11:45 AM

Period 3
12:15-2:15 PM

July 1st - July 11th (Session C)No class July 4th

Period 1
7:30-9:45 AM

Period 2
10:00-12:15 AM

Period 3
12:30-2:45 PM

Cancellation/Transfer Policy

THERE WILL BE A CHARGE OF $15.00 FOR ANY TRANSFERS or CANCELLATIONS. Please DO NOT sign up through 8 to 18 if you have been assigned a session and time for Summer Behind-The-Wheel.

Staff for the Summer Driver Education program is hired based on enrollment. Cancellations must be made 14 days prior to the start of any Driver’s Education classes. The $15.00 charge will apply if cancellation is not done before the 14 days. If a class is being cancelled, students will be notified and offered one of the following two choices at no charge:

  • Choice of another class

  • Full refund

Driver Education Student License Inquiry Instructions

To check student eligibility status, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click this link:

  2.  Enter the Student Instruction Permit Number without dashes in the box provided.

  3. Click on Submit

Please note, once a student has completed the driver education Behind-The-Wheel portion, it may take up to 10 days for the state to process.

For questions, please call 815-588-8419 for Mr. Elkei, Department Chairperson for Physical Education, Health, and Driver Education.