Last fall, Lockport Township High School launched Compass, a schedule feature to help students determine where they are and navigate to where they want to be in the future. By revising the traditional school day schedule, students are afforded a dedicated period of time, 35 minutes four times a week, to connect with teachers in small groups. Commonly known as “advisory” in many school districts, this time enables students to build meaningful relationships with peers and adults, become more academically successful, and prepare for life beyond high school--whether that be college or the workforce.

Chart Your Course

Central Campus Student Offerings
Tuesday, November 1st
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Thursday, November 3rd
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Friday, November 4th
Deans Fun Friday
Meets in the Little Theatre
Come sign up to play some games and have fun after a long week.
Friday, November 4th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Monday, November 7th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Thursday, November 10th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Monday, November 14th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Tuesday, November 15th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Thursday, November 17th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Monday, November 21st
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Tuesday, November 22nd
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Monday, November 28th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
Tuesday, November 29th
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in Central Port
Come and read and study in a place to chill and unwind.
East Campus Student Offerings
Select Tuesdays
Money Talk$ with the Lockport Woman's Club
Meets in East Port Flex Room C
February 11, 2025 - Taxes
March 11, 2025 - Renting Your First Apartment
April 8, 2025 - The Stock Market, Inflation, Recession, the Economy—What does it all mean?
Every Non-HOMEPORT/Special Event Day
Read/Study in the Port
Meets in East Port
This is a student choice activity. Read some of our newly added titles or check a classic. Take the time to study for an upcoming test or catch up on some homework.
Every Non-HOMEPORT/Special Event Day
Tutoring or Group Work in the Port
Meets in East Port
This is a student selected activity. If there is a project that you need to work on with partners then email Mr. Krohn with the name of those in your group and the class assignment name and teacher name to get scheduled ahead of time
Creative Concepts
Meets in East Port Airport Section
Join us on Thursday’s during Compass to broaden your horizons! You are welcome to bring a project that you are passionate about or learn the basics of Knit/Crochet/etc, if you are interested (supplies provided). Please come and give something new a try!
Every Non-HOMEPORT Day
Podcast Recording
Meets in East Port
This is a student selected activity. If you have an idea for a podcast or just want to learn then email Mr. Krohn at to set up a time to come in for instruction and recording.
Every Non-HOMEPORT Day
Video Studio Recording
Meets in East Port
This is a student selected activity. If you have an idea for a video recording, need to work on a school project, or just want to learn then email Mr. Krohn at to set up a time to come in for instruction and recording.