Mental Health & Community Resources

Sometimes families need support that goes beyond the in-school resources available. Counselors and social workers can help students and families seeking services to deal with mental health, addiction, and a host of other crises and hardships

đź’¬ Need Support? Request an appointment with a guidance counselor or social worker.

Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide

Anxiety, Depression & Suicide

Aunt Martha's | (877) 692-8686

CARES Hotline | (800) 345-9049

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | (800) 273-8255, Dial or Text 988 (Help is available 24 hours)

Dating Violence, Abuse & Sexual Abuse

Dating Violence, Abuse & Sexual Abuse

Sexual Assault Hotline | (815) 730-8984

Domestic Violence 24-hour Hotline | (815) 729-1228

National Domestic Violence Hotline | (800) 799-SAFE(7233)

Guardian Angel | Joliet: (815) 729-0930, 24-hour Hotline: (815) 729-1220

Dating Violence Prevention

Department of Children and Family Resources (DCFS) | (800) 25-ABUSE

Finances, Healthcare & Housing

Finances, Healthcare & Housing

Will County Food and Local Resources

Illinois Public Assistance via DHS Family Community Resource Center | (815) 740-5350

Will County Dept of Public Health | (815) 727-8670

Silver Cross Hospital | (815) 300-1100

Amita St Joseph Hospital | (815) 725-7133

Will County Crisis Line | (815) 722-3344

Will County Center for Community Concerns | (815) 722-0722

Morning Star Mission-Homeless Shelter | (815) 722-5780



LGBTQIA+:  Abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual. The additional “+” stands for all of the other identities not encompassed in the short acronym. An umbrella term that is often used to refer to the community as a whole.

Trans Lifeline | (877) 565-8860

Trevor Project | (866) 488-7386 | Text START to 678678

LGBT National Hotline | (888) 843-4564

Mental Health

Mental Health

Will Country Crisis Line | (815) 722-3344

CARES Hotline | (800) 345-9049 | Further Info

Silver Oaks Behavioral Health | (844) 580-5000

Linden Oaks Behavioral Health | (630) 305-5027