Lockport Athletics Booster Club
We hope your child is enjoying the new school year. Lockport Athletics is excited to introduce you to the Lockport Athletic Booster Club! Booster Clubs have a long tradition of supporting individual programs at Lockport High School students in many different ways and we are working to unify those efforts because we are indeed BEST TOGETHER!
Here are some of the ways the Booster Club will be looking to support our student-athletes.
· Helping defer the cost of uniforms, warm-ups and equipment for all teams (including lower levels)
· Responsible for awards, chevrons
· Scholarships for SR athletes whose parents are members
· Contribution to Senior Party
· Presentation Flowers
· Special Projects
· Much more
· DONATED OVER $35,000 BACK TO COMMUNITY in 2022/2023!!!!
As you can see, the Booster Club supports all sports and all kids. The Booster Club raises money from concessions, spirit wear, and our membership dues. The annual family membership is only $50. Your membership includes free entrance to any LTHS HOME athletic event for up to 4 FAMILY MEMBERS! (exclusive of the IHSA State Series).
Why should I join? I already donated to a specific team – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
From time to time some of our programs have needs the school cannot help cover, these contributions help with those. The Booster club is different in that it helps support the entire LTHS Athletic Family and provides access to meetings, newsletter (coming soon), scholarship chances, admission to HOME contests for up to 4, a chance to be a part of our growing ATHLETIC FAMILY!
Seniors that are in a varsity sport have the opportunity of winning a scholarship. Details regarding scholarships will be available soon. However, to be eligible for these scholarships your family MUST be an Athletic Booster Member.
Becoming a member of the Booster Club is easy! You can fill out this form and send a check to school with your athlete (made out to LTHS, memo line UNIFIED BOOSTERS) or register online at LOCKPORT ATHLETIC BOOSTER MEMBERSHIP or at any booster meeting. We encourage you to join the meetings on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:45 PM to see and hear about the upcoming events and to become more involved. Please note this is not mandatory for becoming a booster member.
John Janeczek – President
VACANT**– Vice President
Jana Dykstra – Treasurer
Barb Viar – Secretary
Sharon Smith – Concessions Director
VACANT** – Concessions Director
Kate Ruane – Membership Director Kathie Fiorillo – Communications Director
Melissa Martin –Spirit Wear/Fundraising Director
** to apply reach out to janeczek@yahoo.com