How to...
Check out a book
Choose any book from the collection.
Bring your book to the circulation desk.
Port staff will scan your I.D. and assign the book to your account.
You can check out up to five books at a time.
You will have three weeks to return or renew your book.
To renew a book, simply bring it to the circulation desk.
Search the online catalog
Click the "Find a Book" tab. You will be redirected to the catalog.
Search by title, author, or topic.
Click on the book image.
The call number and sublocation will indicate where the book is located.
Place a book on hold
While on the catalog, click "login" on the top right.
Click "Sign in with Google."
Click on any title.
Click the hold button.
The librarians will grab the book and email you when it is ready to check out
Note: If a book is at the other campus, it will be sent to you ASAP.