Fee Waivers & Free/Reduced Lunch Program
Lockport Township High School participates in the Free/Reduced Lunch Program provided by the federal government. This may also include waiving of school fees if applicable. Free/Reduced lunch pricing for students may be applied for by completing the Free/Reduced Lunch Application Form to the left. Return the completed form in person to the Bookstore at East Campus and the Principal’s Office at Central Campus, along with verification of income. Upon receipt of your Free/Reduced Lunch Application Form and required verification, determination will be made based on Income Eligibility Guidelines whether or not your student(s) are eligible for either free lunch or reduced-price lunches.
Note: Use the Income Eligibility Guidelines to determine your eligibility. If you do not agree with the school’s decision, you may write within ten days to:
Assistant Principal's Office Central Campus
1222 Jefferson Street, Lockport, IL 60441
Assistant Principal's Office East Campus
1333 East Seventh Street, Lockport, IL 60441
Lockport Township High School serves nutritious lunches every school day. All students have the opportunity to purchase lunches and students whose gross family income is at or below the levels of the Federal income poverty guidelines may be eligible for free lunch or reduced-price lunches.
Please note that the application requires the name and social security number of all adult family members. Adults without social security numbers must indicate on the form that they do not have a number. The school will verify the source and amount of income, as well as the makeup of the household. Foster children are also eligible for these benefits. If you have foster children living with you and wish to apply for free/reduced lunches complete the application form as well.
If there is a change in your family's income due to reasons such as unemployment, or if there is a change in your family’s size, please contact us so that appropriate adjustments can be made.
In the operation of the free/reduced lunch program, no student will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap. Any student who believes that he/she has been discriminated against should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.
Please note that students that qualify for the (free lunch program) will also have their school fees waived. Students that qualify for the (reduced-price lunch) program will still be responsible for paying school fees.