

Username and password are required to access our databases. Use these credentials unless otherwise listed here:

Username: lockport
Password: porters

(Case sensitive: no caps or spaces.)

Cómo acceder a los databases (video en español)

  1. ABC-CLIO | Link

    1. ABC-CLIO World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras

    2. ABC-CLIO American Government

    3. ABC-CLIO American History

    4. ABC-CLIO World History

  2. EBSCO | Link
    Initial Login:
    Username: lockport
    Password: Porter6!

    (After first login, sign in with Google)

1. English Language Learner | Link
2. Explora Educator's Edition | Link
3. Explora Primary Schools | Link
4. Explora Secondary Schools | Link
5. Literary Reference Center Plus | Link
6. NoveList K-8 Plus | Link
7. NoveList Plus | Link
8. Points of View | Link
9. Science Reference Center | Link

  1. Gale

    1. Gale In Context: Science | Link

    2. Gale In Context: High School | Link
    3. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints | Link

  2. Gale Literature Resource Center | Link

  3. Gale Books and Authors | Link

  4. JSTOR | Link
    Sign in with your Google account

  5. Brittanica | Link

    1. Encyclopedia information on a wide range of topics with links.

  6. Teen Health & Wellness | Link

    1. Real Life. Real Answers.

  7. Oxford English Dictionary | Link

    1. A historical English dictionary that studies and evaluates the language from the earliest of times to the present.

Other Resources

First Search | Link
Comprehensive search tools to locate books, articles, films, and software on many subjects.
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