Brand Guidelines & Usages
Lockport Township High School's Brand Guidelines & Usage has been developed to unify the visual identity of the district internally and externally and has been designed to assist in clearly and consistently communicating our brand while maintaining its integrity.
Identity Colors
Porter Maroon
WEB: #660000
CMYK: 34, 98, 96, 52
RGB: 102, 0, 0
Light Gray Accent
WEB: #F2F2F3
CMYK: 4, 3, 2, 0
RGB: 242, 242, 243
Gray Accent
CMYK: 19, 15, 16, 0
RGB: 204, 204, 204
Charcoal Accent
WEB: #454545
CMYK: 67, 60, 58, 43
RGB: 69, 69, 69
District Typography
Raleway and Lato are approved fonts for all district publications and documents. Other fonts may be used if needed, but not to alter logos or branded marks.
Raleway Regular 400 may be used on the web or in body copy as needed. Lato Light 300 and Lato Black 900 may be used in headlines or marketing as needed.
The Lato and Raleway font familes are available for free download through Google Fonts:



Logos & Marks
Logos and marks are available in a variety of color formats and file types to accommodate a wide range of uses and printing considerations.
Please adhere to the following:
Use each logo in its entirety
Reproduce logos only from an original digital file (eps, png, svg)
Do not recreate or alter the logo in any way

Incorrect Usage
Incorrect use of the Lockport logos and marks compromises their integrity and effectiveness. Care should be taken to ensure correct and consistent use in all applications. Some common misuses are shown here. Although these examples do not represent every misuse, they do indicate areas to double-check. Other examples of misuse include tilting or cropping the approved marks.
To ensure correct reproduction, please use the approved artwork. If you need additional logos or have questions about usage, please reach out to The examples shown go for all approved Lockport marks.

Do not add drop shadows or other filters to logos

Never alter the proportions of any of the marks

Never alter the approved color designs.

Do not add embossing or other filters to logos